HOA Committees
The committees at Golden Vista Resort play an essential role in maintaining and improving the community, each focusing on specific areas such as architecture, budget, conservation, facilities, and safety. These committees ensure the resort’s operations align with the governing documents and meet the needs of the residents. Residents are encouraged to engage with the committees for guidance on projects and initiatives to enhance the resort’s overall well-being.
Architectural Review
ARC is required by the Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions (CC&R’s) of the association. The CC&R’s requires that our resort have an ARC Committee to perform the functions of the Architectural Review following the Associations Governing Documents. The ARC members are appointed and removed at the sole discretion of the Board of Directors. The members of the ARC consist of regular members and alternate members as provided in the By-Laws. Presently the committee is chaired by a member of our Board of Directions. In addition, we presently have four members of the committee that have over 25-years of combined experience within the ARC office.
All residents should be aware that an ARC Park permit is required for almost all things that are visible on the ground or on the outside of the Park Model. Residents are encouraged to always check with ARC before proceeding with their projects. In all instances, The ARC office will be able to advise you if a City Permit is required for your proposed project. Resort-issued Permits are free and if you are required to obtain a City Permit that is the lot owner’s responsibility to deal with the City of Apache Junction as ARC cannot be involved with the City of Apache Junction on your behalf. Lot Owners may appeal ARC decisions at any time and it should be noted that ARC cannot approve changes deletions or additions to the common areas. These requests for changes must be sent to the Board for approval.
Kathy Meyers-Chair
Bill Arrighi
Darrell Carpenter
Gene Webster
Mary Russell
John McVey
Board Liaison – Kathy Meyers
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The main responsibility of the Budget Committee is to ensure there is enough money in the treasury for the management of the community, from upkeep of common property, to ensuring that there is enough money in the reserve account to cover repairs and other unexpected expenses that may arise. The Budget Committee is also responsible for assessing the funds needed for improvement projects throughout the community and may need to discuss how to raise additional funds or bring in additional income to complete projects not already covered by Golden Vista Resort dues.
The responsibility of the Budget Committee
• Assessing the funds necessary to complete maintenance over the upcoming year
• Requiring estimates for regular services to help ensure that Golden Vista Resort is receiving the best savings for its needs
• Requiring estimates for projects and services that will need to be completed in the upcoming year, but which are not completed regularly
• Deciding how to raise funds when the reserve is not adequate to covering the year’s needs, including cutting costs in some areas, raising dues, or assessing a one-time fee for homeowners
• Estimating the reserve that needs to be kept in the budget in case of unexpected expenses.
• Setting long-term financial goals for the Golden Vista Resort. This might include setting aside funds each year for long-term projects or for future repairs.
• Monitor adherence to the budget and ensure that the Golden Vista Resort has a solid financial future.
Your Golden Vista Resort Budget Committee is made up of members of the board and members of the homeowner’s association, Members of the committee do not have a personal interest in how funds are spent. Golden Vista Resort seeks out individuals with budget experience to help them make the decisions that guide the Golden Vista Resort spending. The Budget committee is chaired by the treasurer.
Darlene Piekkola – Chair
Harlan Johnson
Dianna Soliday
Beki Hawkins
Judy Anderson
Darrell Carpenter
Board Liaison – Darlene Piekkola
Committee Charter
Click here to download and view Committee Charter.
Operating Budget
Click here to view the 2023 Operating Budget
Click here to view the 2022 Operating Budget
Click here to view the 2021 Operating Budget
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There are currently five members in the Golden Vista Conservation Committee. The main function of the committee is to help our community save resources and save the resort money on our utilities. The committee has saved thousands of dollars for the resort over the last 15 years. Here are the names of the members of the Conservation Committee.
Bill Vandermay, Chair
Peggy Richardson
Kelly Bauer
Annette Braun
Ron Ward
Board Liaison- Elaine McDowell
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The Documents Committee is responsible for drafting, in proper format and grammatical form, additions or amendments to the governing documents made by the Board of Directors. In conjunction with the Community Manager they monitor changes in Arizona Statutes and prepare recommendations for needed changes in the documents. In conjunction with the Election Committee they prepare the proper wording and format for ballots to be voted on by the membership.
Karen Fox – Chair
Paul Schmeil
Jane Witczak
Deb Lambert
Mary Jane Dodge
Board Liaison- Kathy Meyers
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Facilities & Utilities
The Facilities & Utilities Committee is responsible for assuring the Golden Vista Buildings, Roofs, Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing are maintained at the highest level possible. Inspections are performed annually to ensure that our buildings and resort are meeting all city codes, are safe for all residents, and are being maintained in a professional manner. The committee oversees and makes recommendations to the Board and Park Management with areas of concern or items (equipment and building components) that need to be replaced as part of end of life cycle or quality improvement. We assist in soliciting bids for equipment and labor when projects are requested. We inspect awarded projects for quality assurance and verify that the work being performed meets our expectations. In order to meet these objectives we seek to have skilled volunteers who have or currently are at journeyman or licensed levels in their respective trades to join this committee.
Ken Shoemaker
Tom Ponder
Dave Olson
Arnie Van Voorst
Board Liaison- Ron Hopkins
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The committee works with the manager and the Board to oversee landscape issues in the resort. The committee develops and plans landscape improvements, budgets to fund projects, planting and care of flower beds, coordinate volunteers and works closely with the landscape contractor.
Jan Olstad – Chair
Darrel Carpenter
Ruth Hultgren
Terri Dickerson
Board Liaison – Dianna Soliday
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Planning & Development
The Board of Directors directed that a standing committee established as the “Planning & Development Committee” with the mission of developing a Master Plan for Golden Vista Resort.
The Master Plan for Golden Vista Resort is a long-range plan of five years. The Master Plan serves as a historic document and as a blue print for future projects and programs.
Planning & Development Committee is the clearing house for all projects requiring reserve funding submitted by the community requested by another club or committee from which the proposal is submitted.
The committee investigates the requests and submits to the Board of Directors a prioritized list of projects worthy of consideration based on” what is good for the whole community”.
Planning & Development Committee membership is by acceptance of the committee refraining from members with agendas.
Judy Anderson-chair
Ed Jewel
Gary McClure
Dave Walker
Jon Kragt
Roland Wilvers
Board Liaison – Larry Roberts
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Safety and Security
The purpose of the Safety and Security Committee will be to advise the Board of Directors and the Golden Vista Community Manager. The Safety and Security Committee will act in an advisory capacity only and will make recommendations to the Manager, the security department, and the Board on issues regarding matters of personal safety, property security, traffic safety, traffic and rule enforcement, security instruction and all matters referred to the committee by the Board.
Further; the composition of the Committee shall be made up of seven owners and not less than four owners appointed by the Board, preferably with whose experience and qualifications may assist the committee; such as experience in public safety. The committee will meet at least twice per season and as necessary at the call of the Chairperson or Golden Vista Board of Directors. A chair and secretary will be selected by the committee and the Board of Directors will appoint a liaison board member to the committee. The Community Manager and the Security Supervisor will be ex-officio members of the Committee.
George Dodge, Co-Chair
Gary McClure-co-chair
Joe Litzinger
Don Williams
Board Liaison- Harlan Johnson
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We evaluate each street every year and determine which one needs seal coating or replacement or striping then we will get 3 bids on each project usually a seal coating will last up to 5 years or more.
Ron Bulthius, Chair
Joe Bengtson
Steve Meyers
Alan Gerads
Board Liaison- Dianna Soliday
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