Bocce Ball Club

It is our goal to make Bocce as fun as possible while you are here at Golden Vista. We also want to keep you informed of all Bocce activities.

Bocce Club

Club Announcements

League Play starts Jan. 6, 2025, continuing to the last week in February, with a tournament played the first week in March.

Wrap-up Meeting in the Ballroom after tournament, 12:30pm.

You can just play occasionally and find out if you like Bocce Ball!

Current League Players: Would you like to occasionally play on another day? Consider signing up to be a substitute and calling Pat Fontana!

Fundraisers and More

  • Join us for Taco Tuesday this 2025:
    Jan. 14, Feb. 11, and Mar. 11 in the Ballroom

    Serving starts at 4:30 – 6pm, with desserts also available.

  • Attend our Dance: Fri., Feb. 28 in the Ballroom

    Featuring Surefire Band (playing 7-10pm)! You can purchase tickets in the Activities Office or text Terri at 815-761-3535 ($10 in advance, $15 at the door).

We would greatly appreciate raffle prize donations!
Text Terri at 815-761-3535, and we will pick them up. Thank you for supporting our Club!


Tell us a little about your members and then list some if you feel it is valuable information. 


How often do you meet? Is it required that all members attend?

Dates and Times:

  • Meeting type, location, date, time
  • Meeting type, location, date, time
  • Meeting type, location, date, time

Photo Stream

If you’re a Club rep, use the form on the Clubs page to update this information. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Any GV resident or renter can join the Bocce Ball League.

All supplies are provided at the Bocce Ball courts.

We have 2 courts. Anyone at GV can leisurely play late afternoons (Mon, Tues, Thurs, and Friday). Open Play is available evenings and weekends.

Membership Info & Dues

If you are a League player, annual dues are $10 per person. 

If it’s your first year with the League, you pay a one-time fee of $10.

Helpful Links