HOA Board of Directors
On this page you will find the Board’s meeting schedule, Governing Documents, and other resources.
Announcements & Information
Scroll down to meet the Board Candidates.
Voting begins Jan. 10, 2025!
Meeting Schedule
If you would like to download the 2024-2025 Board Meeting Schedule, please click the button below.
Governing Documents & More
Governing Documents and other resources are available below.
Governing Documents
Click here, or on the link below to open/download the PDF.
Link: https://goldenvistaresort.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/GV-Articles-of-Inc_Restated-2-17-09.pdf
Restated February 16th 2021
Click here, or on the link below to open/download the PDF.
Link: https://goldenvistaresort.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/GV-CCRs-Restated-2.16.2021.pdf
Approved February 16, 2021
Click here, or on the link below to open/download the PDF.
Link: https://goldenvistaresort.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/GV-Amendment-_1-Part-35.pdf
Click here, or on the link below to open/download the PDF.
Link: https://goldenvistaresort.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/GV-By-Laws-Restated_March-5-2024.pdf
Click here, or on the link below to open/download the PDF.
Click here, or on the link below to open/download the PDF.
Click here, or on the link below to open/download the PDF.
Link: https://goldenvistaresort.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/GV-Rules-and-Regs-Amendment-4.10.pdf
Click here, or on the link below to open/download the PDF.
Link: https://goldenvistaresort.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/GV-Assessment_Collection_Policy2020-002.pdf
Click here, or on the link below to open/download the PDF.
Click here, or on the link below to open/download the PDF.
Other Documents
The link below will take you to the Resident Login for Enumerate, your HOA Portal. You will find the information under the menu tab RESOURCES.
The link below will take you to the Resident Login for Enumerate, your HOA Portal. You will find the information under the menu tab RESOURCES.
The link below will take you to the Resident Login for Enumerate, your HOA Portal. You will find the information under the menu tab RESOURCES.
The link below will take you to the Resident Login for Enumerate, your HOA Portal. You will find the information under the menu tab RESOURCES.
The link below will take you to the Resident Login for Enumerate, your HOA Portal. You will find the information under the menu tab RESOURCES.
The link below will take you to the Resident Login for Enumerate, your HOA Portal. You will find the information under the menu tab RESOURCES.
The link below will take you to the Resident Login for Enumerate, your HOA Portal. You will find the information under the menu tab RESOURCES.
The link below will take you to the Resident Login for Enumerate, your HOA Portal. You will find the information under the menu tab RESOURCES.
The link below will take you to the Resident Login for Enumerate, your HOA Portal. You will find the information under the menu tab RESOURCES.
The link below will take you to the Resident Login for Enumerate, your HOA Portal. You will find the information under the menu tab RESOURCES.
Golden Vista Board Candidate Info 2025 GOLDEN VISTA BOARD OF DIRECTOR CANDIDATES Learn about the Candidates for the upcoming Board election.
Candidates appear in alphabetical order based on their last names.

Hello, I am Kelly Bauer, my husband Darryl and I are from Washington state and live at 986 Oxide Drive. I grew up in a military family (Navy) on Whidbey Island. If appointed to the board, I will work diligently for the best of Golden Vista with a vision and progressive thinking to meet the needs of our community.
My professional career consisted of the following:
• Over 20-year career with Shell Oil Global Energy Company – holding several positions in Human Resources and site Leadership Team
• Administrator for a non-profit crisis pregnancy clinic
• Small business owner
Some of the many roles & responsibilities included:
• Employee records-data integrity including payroll/benefits for 300-500 employees upwards of $4 million annually
• Streamlining and deployment of online systems optimizing work processes
• Labor contract negations and business contracts
• Committee involvement finding solutions to changing needs
• Public Relations, event planning, trainer, and mediation
I am asking for your vote and would be honored to serve this community.
Thank you!
Kelly Bauer

Hello, I’m Ed JewellI Along with my wife of almost 25 years we have been in Golden Vista for the past 15 years. Our summer home is in Prudenville, Michigan.
I proudly served three (3) years in the U.S. Army and retired after 30 years with the
U.S. Postal Service. Dawn has been at her current job as the Business Manager – for a large landscaping company for 22 years. Previously I have serviced on two (2) property owner association boards in various positions and I also ran a successful lawn care business for over 10 years.
My contributions to Golden Vista have been:
Successfully ran casino night for four (4} years with the help of over 40 volunteers.
Two (2) years ago I raffled off a golf cart which earned enough money to purchase many new recliners for around the pool area.
Last year I ran a fundraiser to purchase tables, chairs, and umbrella for around the pool area with generous donations from several groups in Golden Vista.
I am currently on the Planning & Development board and have been for the past three (3) years.
My wife and I are proud to live in this wonderful park and very happy with the leadership in this park. I’m running for the board to help and work with my fellow members to keep Golden Vista running on the right track and willing to help tackle and obtain this journey.
Thank you,
Ed Jewell

Hello everyone, my name is Jon Kragt. My wife Pam and I live at 154 Limestone. We were high school sweethearts and have been together for over 44 years and married for 38 years. Our 30- year-old son was just a baby when we first started visiting Pam’s parents here in Golden Vista. We grew to love Golden Vista and the wonderful life it gave her parents, so we decided we wanted to come back and be a part of this special community in our retirement years as well.
My work years included working with spy satellites and classified imagery. We then moved to Omaha Nebraska where I worked for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for 30+ years. I ended my career as the Chief of Surveys, Mapping, and GIS where I managed 20-100 people depending upon the requirements and circumstances. I managed millions of dollars’ worth of equipment, contracts, and in-house projects where schedule and budget had to be strictly adhered to be successful.
Why am I running for the board? I have been asked by many people to run for the board over the last two years because they wanted decisions to be made that not only maintained the park but also improve GV. I believe we need to improve our facilities over time by having money budgeted for each area in 10-15 year cycles using treasury bills and/or CD’s. We need to stop using band aid solutions to problems and wisely invest in more permanent quality solutions. Our infrastructure is breaking down over time and I believe we can make some improvements with less cost by being proactive with improvements rather than being reactive to emergency repairs. In some cases, we may still need to be reactive, but it makes sense to minimize emergencies and maximize being ahead of the repairs. The board should be open with its functions and decisions. There should be a good reason why we are unable or able to make changes and communicate this with the community. This eliminates rumors and negative discourse. Educated decisions need to be made to keep GV maintained and updated while still controlling costs. I do not want to be “a penny wise and a pound foolish” with our solutions. Clubs need to be able to maintain funds to improve and invest in their groups and our community with minimal interference from the office or board. Groups that want to get funds from the board for improvements for the resort need to be able to follow a consistent, clear, and concise process.
My wife and I love giving back to this community that we have enjoyed over the many years visiting her parents in the 1990’s and early 2000’s. I now, being a resident, feel it is my obligation to serve the community the best I can. I was always taught to leave my community and world better than when I found it.
Thank You for your time and consideration,
Jon Kragt

My name is Debbie Nelson, and I would like to thank you for considering me as a member of the Golden Vista Board of Directors. I’d like to provide you with a bit of history, both personal and business experiences that have prepared me for this position.
I was born in Burlington, Iowa. My parents passed when I was young and I was raised by my Grandmother while attending high school in Washington, Iowa. I attended Kirkwood College in Cedar Rapids, Iowa and then went on to attend courses in Portland, Oregon focusing in Business Marketing. I am currently single, have been married twice and have no children. I moved to Oregon in 1973, and secured a variety of employment positions in the 45+ years I lived there.
My work history includes:
Michelin Tire Company, Portland, OR… Customer Service Representative for 13 years. This was Michelin’s NW service center. I started as the contact for Earthmover Tire sales to the Pacific NW while the Alaska pipeline was being constructed. I then was promoted to Original Equipment Representative for major accounts in the PNW. Client list included Freightliner in Portland, Kenworth in Seattle, Alloy Trailer, and a total of 71 manufacturers of equipment that required tires to keep their assembly line moving. Sadly, the Portland Distribution Center closed after 13 years as the company centralized major accounts servicing to Louisville, Kentucky.
ADP, Portland, OR…Employer Services Representative. This position involved taking payroll information via phone for employers with less than 100 employees to process all aspects of their payroll.
Crown Pacific Ltd. Partners, Portland, OR… Payroll Manager for 1O years. I managed payroll processing for 2,200 union and non-union employees in 12 states. I served as Project Manager and implemented Kronos time clocks at all our sawmills, and centralized payroll into our corporate office. While working at Crown Pacific, I assisted with acquisitions and sales of corporate holdings, then the process of our Company going Public, and in the end…I worked for our Bankruptcy Attorney. I took a year off, bought a 32 ft class A RV (named Severance) and spent a year going cross country from Portland, OR to Portland, Maine. I ended up buying 2 wooded acres In Brinnon, WA and did freelance consulting. Clients that hired me to do consulting and implementing ADP, Kronos and Ceridian included Pacific Natural Foods, Nor-Pac Food, Vanguard-EMS and Stimpson Lumber. Then another opportunity became available.
Standard Insurance Company, Portland, OR. I managed all aspects of payroll processing for 9 separate companies owned by Standard. Payroll encompassed payroll in 51 states, representing approximate 3,500 employees with an annual gross payroll averaging $265 million. This was most certainly the biggest challenge of my career. I was fortunate enough to retire at 57 and spend my time volunteering and just enjoying the best of life.
I have been coming to Golden Vista for 14 years. The first 3 years I drove my RV and rented a lot. I then purchased a home at lot 945. I love being at GV for 5-6 months per year. While being at GV, I have worked in the Activities Office for 4 years, started up a Singles Mingle group and kept that going for 4 years (until Covid), offered free sewing and alterations to any Veteran in the park, served on the Elections Committee and was Chairperson for one season, obtained my Food Handlers card and helped many organizations with events, volunteered with Grafters Corner for 3 years under Glenda Omak’s leadership, currently Secretary of the Pet Club, happily a member .of the Comedy Club, just basically an advocate for anything that I can help with to promote the activities we have here at GV.
I have served as both Vice-President and then President of our Condo Association where I live in Traverse City, Michigan. I have volunteered for 3 years to maintain raised bed gardens for Father Fred Foundation in Traverse City to provide fresh vegetables to those less fortunate. I have served as Board Treasurer for Emerald Town Alliance in Brinnon, Washington… our objective was to put on Shrimp fest and raise money to pay the rent for the local food bank, award scholarships for 2 graduating students, and select several non-profits to receive funds. I have been a volunteer for Red Cross locally in Oregon and Michigan, as well as their national Accounting department.
My vision for Golden Vista is to continue to provide a safe, attractive Resort that can be enjoyed by current and future owners. We are experiencing some “growing pains” of a Resort that has been in existence for 35+ years and upgrades are necessary as needed. My goal is that owners continue to have an opinion and opportunity to voice their concerns and receive feedback in a timely manner. Creating better communication to new owners (and renters) regarding our By-Laws, Rules and Regulations will only strengthen the understanding of expectations of both owners and management. I hope that we see more of that over the next 3 years and I would do everything in my ability to hear your ideas and opinions, talk about resolutions, and unify to take action.
Golden Vista Board Candidate Info
Learn about the Candidates for the upcoming Board election.

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First and Last Name
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Contact the Board of Directors
If you encourage the Board being contacted, they could have a form that goes to the Board secretary or best point of contact for them.